Yellow Wax Bean Pickles

This recipe was shared with us by Lisa Dupar, Chief Creative Officer and owner of Lisa Dupar Catering and owner, with her husband, Jonathan Zimmer, of Pomegranate Bistro in Redmond, WA.


Veggies needed:
5 pounds of Yellow wax beans
1 large sweet onion sliced
2 large red bell pepper- julienne

Toss this together and put in the refrigerator until pickling juice is ready.

Pickling Juice Ingredients:
2 quarts champagne vinegar
2 quarts seasoned rice wine vinegar
2 quarts sugar
1 T. celery seeds
1 t. turmeric
1/2 Cup mustard seeds
2t. red pepper flakes 

Bring juice to a simmer. Drop in the beans. Pull off fire. Let cool in pot. Transfer to plastic tub. Used to garnish Bloody Marys, or as simply a fun late summer pickle.

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